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    藝術中國 | 時間: 2009-03-16 16:04:32 | 文章來源: 世藝網(wǎng)專稿














      Artists represented by Chinablue Gallery

      are invited to take part in the 10th Biennial of Havana

      The 10th Havana Biennial will be held from March 27 through April 30, 2009. And many artists from Chinablue Gallery are invited to take part in the Biennial, including Liu Xiaodong, Chen Bo, Qiu Xiaofei, Wang Chengyun, Wang Qingsong, Xiong Yu and Zhou Wenzhong. Liu Xiaodong's special project will be presented at Morro Castle, while the other six artists will have a group exhibition at Hispanoamerican Culture Centre in Havana.

      The title of this Biennial is “Intergration and Resistance in the Global Era”, concerning about the amalgamation and collision in aspects of culture, art, thought, economy and politics among countries and areas in this global age. Bearing promoting confrontation of culture and art between Guba and other districts in mind, the Biennial brings together more than 200 artists from some forty countries. Just like before, this biennail still focuses mainly on Latin America and the Caribbeans, however, artists from Asian countries such as China is increasing gradually.

      The relation between China and Guba is historical. The first wave of Chinese immigrants arrived to the island of Cuba in 1847 to work as laborers in the sugar plantations, thus replacing the African slave labor force. Till the last century the fall of the Berlin wall in 1989 caused a new geopolitical restructuring and it put an end to the cold war. From that moment on the broke out, extending its tentacles all around the world. Cuba was involuntarily immersed since 1990 in the Special Period, crowned by austerity and recession; China, on the other hand, stands out since then as one of the greatest powers of the present time, holding its arm extended to Cuba in a gesture of fraternity and cooperation in the trade area. In some way, the cooperation between the two countries in fine art is also anticipanted by all.

      The Havana Biennial warmly invites the coming of Chinese artists. Liu Xiaodong is invited to come and create there on the spot for a period of more than one month and later on his artwork will be shown in the special union of the Biennial in Morro castle. Liu Xiaodong has been to Cuba ten years ago, thus is looking forward to his second travel to the same land. He will stay with one chosen local family, experiensing closely the local custom, culture, and the way of thinking and living of Cuban people. We believe that the feelings for the changes of these ten years will inspire excellent art. As one of the most celebrated Chinese contemporary artists, Liu Xiaodong’s artwork takes on the topic of realism and his pain towards the transition of the era is so sensitive that he casted away the formal vanity and grand narration, jointing tightly the individual trueness and time absudity. Every common figure in his artwork all more or less stares at their inward lives, which is a perfect discription of Chinese contemporary society.

      The other six group artists, even though they have independent productions, are representatives of the straight feelings that Chinese artists have towards the processes of social development. As one of the group exhibitions at the 10th Havana Biennial, the group exhibition with six exponents of the Chinese contemporary artisitc production initially conceived from the exhibition Asian Pacific Weeks Festival of Berlin in 2007, in which the artwork of the six artists touched the Biennail curator so deeply and as a rusult they are brought to Cuba. The exhibition “China: Contemporary Art Reviewed” will take to the Havana Biennial the most recent artwork by the artists, to its local and international visitors. The title of this exhibition implies both the review of the exhibition “Chinablue in Berlin”, and the review of the Chinese contemporary art scene.

      Title:The 10th Biennial of Havana

      Date:March 27 - April 30, 2009

      Invited artist:Liu Xiaodong

      Venue:Morro Castle, Havana Guba

      Group artists:Wang Qingsong/Qiu Xiaofei/Xiong Yu en Bo/Zhou Wenzhong/Wang Chengyun

      Venue:Hispanoamerican Culture Centre, Havana Guba

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