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    藝術(shù)中國 | 時間: 2010-05-06 16:16:37 | 文章來源: 藝術(shù)中國

    5月15日 17:00-19:00

    【文化項(xiàng)目】UCCA–Pecha Kucha:數(shù)字藝術(shù)

    UCCA 咖啡驛站/活動免費(fèi)/英文講座

    為了能夠給年輕的設(shè)計(jì)師們提供一個可以交流,聯(lián)絡(luò)以及展示他們作品的演講平臺,2003年東京Klein Dytham建筑事務(wù)所策劃了首場Pecha Kucha 夜. 它變成了大規(guī)模的慶祝活動并發(fā)傳到世界各地數(shù)百個城市,給設(shè)計(jì)人們帶來靈感。 Pecha Kucha的名字來源于日語語音“唧唧喳喳”,而它的格式基于一個簡單的想法:用20圖片在20秒內(nèi)演講者自由發(fā)揮。2006年十二月 PechaKUcha到達(dá)北京并從此每季舉辦一次。此次Pecha Kucha在UCCA的活動將圍繞數(shù)字藝術(shù)的主題討論數(shù)字技術(shù)和媒體給創(chuàng)作所帶來的可能性和魅力。

    May 15, 17:00-19:00

    【Culture Program】UCCA–Pecha Kucha: Digital Art

    Café & Bakery / Entry Free / In English Only

    Pecha Kucha Night was devised in Tokyo in February 2003 by architects Klein Dytham as an event for young designers to meet, network, and show their work in public. Drawing its name from the Japanese term for the sound of "chit chat", it rests on a presentation format that is based on a simple idea: 20 images in 20 seconds. Started in Beijing in 2006, it’s held once each season. This session in UCCA will have a focus on digital art, guest speakers will talk about the fascination and possibilities creating using new digital technology and media.


    5月15日 17:00-18:30

    【文化項(xiàng)目】UCCA-Lonely Planet“因此我旅行” 系列 2:搭車去柏林



    May 15, 17:00-18:30

    【Culture Program】UCCA-Lonely Planet “Therefore I Travel” Series 2: To Berlin by Thumb

    Auditorium / Entry Free / In Chinese Only

    Chinese American traveler Gu Yue and documentary producer Liu Chang hitchhiked from Beijing to Berlin in the summer of 2009. On the 16,000km journey through China, Central Asia and Europe, over three months they accepted rides from 88 people on different vehicles, including an old Uyghur woman’s tricycle, an Iraqi farmer’s tractor, and gypsy nomads’ carriage. The travel tale has a romantic twist as Gu Yue’s girlfriend Yika was waiting for him at the end of the journey.


    5月16日 11:00-12:30

    【媒體項(xiàng)目】UCCA-FCCC駐華外國記者俱樂部“獨(dú)家號外”系列 10:國際沖突和危機(jī)報導(dǎo)


    對于記者來說,對于沖突和危機(jī)的報導(dǎo)往往是最難的。如何才能讓安享家中的讀者了解到充滿暴力和悲傷的復(fù)雜形勢?記者又如何既能保持安全,又保證冷靜和客觀的大腦?兩個不同時代的《紐約時報》駐華記者黃安偉和葛根, 會與我們的觀眾分享他們在伊拉克,阿富汗和各種危機(jī)區(qū)域報導(dǎo)的獨(dú)特經(jīng)歷。

    May 16, 11:00-12:30

    【Press Project】UCCA-FCCC Series: “Breaking News” 10: Reporting on International Conflict and Crisis

    Auditorium / Entry Free / Chinese & English

    Reporting on conflict and crisis is one of the hardest jobs for reporters. How can a complicated situation involving violence and grief be explained to readers sitting comfortably at home? How can reporters stay safe and sane? How does one remain objective? Two generations of China-based reporters for the New York Times -- Edward Wong and Edward Gargan -- will talk about their experiences reporting in Iraq, Afghanistan and various crisis zones.


    5月16日 13:00-14:30

    【文化項(xiàng)目】UCCA-NGO系列 1:愛知行:性,艾滋與歧視在中國


    在這次的UCCA非政府機(jī)構(gòu)系列,我們將介紹愛知行研究所,并放映一個短紀(jì)錄片《朱利亞的故事》。 該片講述了第一個在中國電視上公開討論自己感染艾滋病過程的女大學(xué)生的故事。我們也很榮幸地邀請到北京愛知行研究所的創(chuàng)立者萬延海和華人奧斯卡獲獎導(dǎo)演楊紫燁和我們一起討論艾滋病和患者在中國的現(xiàn)狀。

    May 16, 13:00-14:30

    【Culture Program】UCCA-NGO Series 1: Aizhixing: Sex, AIDS and Discrimination in China

    Auditorium / Entry Free / Chinese & English

    In this NGO session, we will introduce Aizhixing and screen a short documentary about Julia, a Chinese college student who became the first person on Chinese television to openly discuss contracting the HIV/AIDS virus through sex - “Julia’s Story” (2005, 30mins). We will follow up with a discussion of AIDS and discrimination in China with Academy Award winning film director, Ruby Yang, and AIDS advocate and founder of Aizhixing, Wan Yanhai.


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