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  • 国产97人人超碰caoprom…,日本最新免费二区三区在线观看,18AV无码不卡在线,一本性道在线视频无码看,亚洲高清无码黄色一级片,国内久久久久久久久久久


    時間:2016-01-25 16:17:14 | 來源:藝術(shù)中國



    1960 年出生于中國河北承德

    1980—1984 年中央美術(shù)學(xué)院版畫系獲學(xué)士學(xué)位

    1984—1989 年中央美術(shù)學(xué)院版畫系講師

    1989—1994 年獲得德國文化藝術(shù)交流獎學(xué)金(DAAD)

    就讀于柏林藝術(shù)大學(xué)自由繪畫系獲碩士學(xué)位和Meisterschule 學(xué)位

    1994—2002 年中央美術(shù)學(xué)院設(shè)計學(xué)院主任,教授

    2002—2003 年中央美術(shù)學(xué)院設(shè)計學(xué)院院長,教授

    2003—2014 年中央美術(shù)學(xué)院副院長,教授

    2014 年任中國藝術(shù)研究院副院長


    1991 譚平版畫展,Moench 畫廊,德國,柏林

    1992 “遠(yuǎn)方的呼喚”譚平繪畫展,Germering 市政廳,德國,慕尼黑

    1994 譚平繪畫展,Christof Weber 畫廊,德國,柏林

    1994 “北京—柏林”譚平版畫展,當(dāng)代美術(shù)館,中國,北京

    1995 譚平作品展,紅門畫廊,中國,北京

    1999 譚平作品展,紅門畫廊,中國,北京

    2000 譚平版畫作品展,柏林藝術(shù)庫,德國,柏林

    2002 譚平作品展,紅門畫廊,中國,北京

    2003 譚平作品展,紅門畫廊,中國,北京

    2004 譚平版畫作品展,Alexander Ochs 畫廊,德國,柏林

    2005 譚平繪畫作品展,中國美術(shù)館,中國,北京

    2005 譚平版畫作品展,紅門畫廊,中國,北京

    2007 譚平版畫作品展,紅寨畫廊,中國,上海

    2008 譚平作品展,深圳美術(shù)館,中國,深圳

    2008 “刺痛與撫慰”譚平繪畫作品展,今日美術(shù)館,中國,北京

    2009 譚平銅版畫展,韻畫廊,中國,北京

    2010 “譚平版畫20 年”譚平版畫展,紅門畫廊,中國,北京

    2011 譚平版畫作品展,德國駐華大使館,中國,北京

    2011 譚平版畫新作展,韻畫廊,中國,北京

    2012 “1 劃”譚平個展,中國美術(shù)館,中國,北京

    2013 “自言”譚平繪畫作品展,美麗道國際藝術(shù)機(jī)構(gòu),中國,北京

    2014 “彳亍”譚平個展,偏鋒新藝術(shù)空間,中國,北京

    2015 “彳亍”譚平個展,亞利桑那州立大學(xué)美術(shù)館,美國,坦佩


    1988 中國藝術(shù)家聯(lián)展,歐亞藝術(shù)中心,法國,巴黎

    1995 中澳藝術(shù)家聯(lián)展,莫里恩畫廊,澳大利亞,墨爾本

    1998 中國版畫聯(lián)展,國際藝苑,中國,北京

    1999 四方工作室聯(lián)展,上海美術(shù)館,中國,上海

    2000 四方工作室聯(lián)展,阿登納基金會,德國,波恩

    2002 中國八人版畫展,紅門畫廊,中國,北京

    2004 藝術(shù)家作品展,空白空間畫廊,中國,北京

    2006 “廢墟”譚平、朱金石繪畫展,今日美術(shù)館,中國,北京

    2007 “朋友”中丹藝術(shù)家聯(lián)展,Susanne Ottesen 畫廊,丹麥,哥本哈根

    2007 中德藝術(shù)家聯(lián)展,Schreier Von Metternich 畫廊,德國,杜塞爾多夫

    2007 藝術(shù)家作品展,Marianne Newman 畫廊,澳大利亞,墨爾本

    2008 “磨石”中瑞藝術(shù)家聯(lián)展,中國美術(shù)館,中國,北京

    2008 中瑞藝術(shù)家聯(lián)展,瑞典東方博物館,瑞典,斯德哥爾摩

    2008 “意派”中國抽象藝術(shù)三十年,馬德里文化中心,西班牙,馬德里

    2008 “對話”中德版畫雙人展 Alexander Ochs 畫廊 德國 柏林

    2010 “偉大的天上的抽象”中國抽象藝術(shù)家聯(lián)展,中國美術(shù)館,中國,北京

    2011 “中國意志”中國繪畫邀請展,北京當(dāng)代藝術(shù)館,中國,北京

    2011 “道法自然”中國抽象藝術(shù)展,上海當(dāng)代藝術(shù)館,中國,上海

    2012 “見所未見”廣州三年展,廣東美術(shù)館,中國,廣東

    2013 “ChiFra2013 中法藝術(shù)展”,香榭麗舍大街,法國,巴黎

    2014 “East Bridge:前衛(wèi)藝術(shù)閱讀上的缺席”,798 藝術(shù)工廠,中國,北京

    2014 “共振計劃:無形之形中國當(dāng)代抽象藝術(shù)展”,瑞士圣? 烏爾班當(dāng)代藝


    2015 “東方抽象西方具象—譚平對話卡斯特利”,中國美術(shù)館,中國,北京













    Tan Ping

    1960 Born in Chengde, China

    1984 Graduated from the Printmaking Department, Central Academy of

    Fine Arts (CAFA), Beijing

    1984 – 1989 Lecturer, Printmaking Department, CAFA

    1989 – 1994 Won the West German Cultural Exchange Scholarship

    Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienste

    (DAAD) Master of Arts and the degree of Meisterschule in the Free

    Art Department, Kunst der Hochschule, Berlin

    1994-2002 Director of Design Department of CAFA, Professor

    2002 – 2003 Director, School of Design, Professor, CAFA

    2003 – 2014 Vice President, CAFA

    2014-Present Vice President, CNAA

    Solo Exhibitions

    1991 Tan Ping Prints Exhibition, Gallery Moench, Berlin, Germany

    1992 "Calling from the Distance" – Tan Ping Works Exhibition, Gallery

    Germering, Munich, Germany

    1994 Tan Ping Works Exhibition, Gallery Christof Weber, Berlin, Germany

    1994 "Beijing – Berlin" Tan Ping Prints Exhibition, Museum of

    Contemporary Art, Beijing, China

    1995 Tan Ping Works Exhibition, Red Gate Gallery, Beijing, China

    1999 Tan Ping Works Exhibition, Red Gate Gallery, Beijing, China

    2000 Tan Ping Prints Exhibition, Berlin Art Loft, Berlin, Germany

    2002 Tan Ping Works Exhibition, Red Gate Gallery, Beijing, China

    2003 Tan Ping Works Exhibition, Red Gate Gallery, Beijing, China

    2004 Tan Ping Prints Exhibition, Gallery Alexander Ochs, Berlin, Germany

    2005 Tan Ping Works Exhibition, National Art Museum of China, Beijing,


    2005 Tan Ping Prints Exhibition, Red Gate Gallery, Beijing, China

    2007 Tan Ping Prints Exhibition, Studio Rouge, Shanghai, China

    2008 Tan Ping Works Exhibition, Shenzhen Art Museum, Shenzhen, China

    2008 "A Metaphor of the Painfu" – Tan Ping Works Exhibition, Today Art

    Museum, Beijing, China

    2009 Tan Ping Prints Exhibition, Yun Gallery, Beijing, China

    2010 "Tan Ping at Fifty", Red Gallery, Beijing, China

    2011 Tan Ping Prints Exhibition, German Embassy, Beijing, China

    2011 Tan Ping New Works Exhibition, Yun Gallery, Beijing, China

    2012 "A Line", Tan Ping Solo Exhibition, National Art Museum of China,

    Beijing, China

    2013 "Murmurs", Tan Ping Solo Exhibition, Meilidao International Art

    Institution, Beijing, China

    2014 "Follow My Line", Tan Ping Solo Exhibition, PIFO Gallery, Beijing,


    2015 “Tan Ping: Follow My Line” ASU Art Museum, Tempe, USA

    Group Exhibitions

    1988 Chinese Artists Works Exhibition, European & Asian Cultural and

    Art Centre, Paris, France

    1995 China – Austria Artists Joint Exhibition, Meridian Gallery,

    Melbourne, Australia

    1998 Chinese Printmaking Exhibition, International Art Palace, Beijing,


    1999 Square Studio Works Exhibition, Shanghai Art Museum, Shanghai,


    2000 Square Studio Works Exhibition, Konrad Adenauer Foundation,

    Bonn, Germany

    2002 Eight Artists' Printmaking, Red Gate Gallery, Beijing, China

    2004 The Works of Artists, Square Studio, Beijing, China

    2006 "Ruins" Tan Ping and Zhu Jin Shi Works Exhibition, Today Art

    Museum, Beijing, China

    2007 "Friends" China – Denmark Artists Joint Exhibition, Susanne

    Ottesen Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark

    2007 China – Germany Artists Joint Exhibition, Schreier Von Metternich

    Gallery, Dusseldorf, Germany

    2007 The Works of Artists, Marianne Newman Gallery, Melbourne,


    2008 "Grinding the Stone" China – Sweden Artists Joint Exhibition,

    National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China

    2008 China - Sweden Artists Joint Exhibition, Museum of Far Eastern

    Antiquities, Stockholm, Sweden

    2008 "Yipai – 30 Years of Chinese Abstract Art", Caixa Forum, Madrid,


    2008 "Dialogue" China – Germany Artists Dual Exhibition, Alexander

    Ochs Gallery, Berlin, Germany

    2010 "The Great Celestial Abstract – Chinese Abstract Art in 21st

    century", National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China

    2011 "The Will of China" Chinese Art Invitation Exhibition, MoCA

    Beijing, Beijing, China

    2011 "Tao of Nature" Chinese Abstract Art Exhibition, MoCA Shanghai,

    Shanghai, China

    2012 "The Unseen" Guangzhou Triennial, Guangdong Art Museum,

    Guangzhou, China

    2013 "ChiFra Art Exhibition", Champs Elysees, Paris France

    2014 "In the Absence of Avant - Garde Reading", 798 Art Factory,

    Beijing, China

    2014 "vibrARTion Switzerland 2014", Forms of the Formless:

    Exihibition of Chinese Abstract Art, art-st-urban, Luzern


    2015 “Chinas abstraktion und die figuration des westens: Tan Ping dialog Luciano Castelli“ National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China

    2015“Follow My Line” “Traffic Controls” Tan Ping and Liu Qinghe,Meilun Art Museum,Changsha,China


    National Art of China, Beijing, China

    Today Art Museum, Beijing, China

    Portland Art Museum, Portland, USA

    Ludwig Museum, Aachen, Germany

    Shanghai Art Museum, Shanghai, China

    Shenzhen Art Museum, Shenzhen, China

    Qingdao Art Museum, Qingdao, China

    Artron Art Museum, Beijing, China

    Museum for Modern Visual arts, Kolding, Denmark

    Longmuseum, Shanghai, China



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