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    時(shí)間:2009-04-01 16:30:15 | 來(lái)源:博寶網(wǎng)









































    The Call of Remote Mountains: A Brief Comment of Chao Ge’s Art

    Yin Shuangxi

    In the whole picture of Chinese contemporary art, Chao Ge is an artist with a firm belief and ideals. Through his firm will, his own understanding and continuous efforts-making, he has established his unique style. As far as I know, many researchers on Chinese contemporary art history have given Chao Ge and his art enough attention in their writings.

    I. Humanistic care

    Art is a pathway to a holy and transcending state of spirit, and enlightens human beings the existence of truth. An artist usually lives between human beings and gods. He uses his national language to express the essence of “Poem”. Chao Ge’s attitude to art is as faithful and honest as a religion follower. He thinks that art should engage in human being’s spiritual lifeshould be as spiritual vitamin to people’s daily lives, but should not be an ornament or a decorative object in one’s house, or a skill of living. In the background of today’s world, Chao Ge intends to discover important values of humanity ever existed in history, and to display a period’s or one nation’s metaphysical development by using a unique visual form.

    Chao Ge established his own reputation in drawing and painting in the late 1980s, when the Chinese visual art was experiencing a period of radical changes in terms of opening its door to the west. Influenced by various movements of western modern art, many young artists all over China attended group shows, which was a great shake to the mainland’s mainstream art and the mode of exhibition as well as the art system related to the dominant ideology and propaganda.



    Facing an art trend of a period as such, Chao Ge insists on using oil media as his expression, and began to conduct research on the original meaning of oil media. He and a group of artists also teaching at art schools were regarded as masters of“Neo-classicalism”of China. As some scholars have termed with, the “Neo-classicalism”artists are characterized as using an expression of western classicalism on oil media to depict the subject matter, to praise humanistic purity, stress on perfection of an expression, and keep a distance from a social reality. Its subject matter very often is a pretty young woman in an elegant image expressing a sense of human’s romantic imagination. Chao Ge has been included in this group to some extent with a good reason. Due to some of his experimental work on nude such as“The Sitting Nude”, the work is regarded as the most representational expression among neo-impressionists in China. However, his work was never intended to act as a leisure product with relaxation and elegance for the middle class to consume at origin. What he has focused is the changes and difference encountered by humanism and time. This has got a distinction from its root to those depicting comfortable and laze women indoors in a realistic style.

    In the late 1980s, he created the work titled“Great Qi”on oil media. The romantics and vastness embedded in the work signifies the extent of openness and humanistic revival of the period in China. Chao Ge has attempted to express an existence of greatness through his work, and a hope like moving air. The female nude like the Statue of Liberty in Eugene Delacroix’s work titled“Liberty Leading the People”signifies a victory of humanism by its symbolic pose. Chao Ge has always related his own art making to a certain reality of his living period. The difficulty in art making lies in a good relation made between the thoughts and feelings of the time, an untouchable and non-measurable emotion and a spiritual essence, for which he has tried his great efforts, and his work obtained a sense of historical heaviness. For hundreds of thousands of years, why have people made continuous and hard efforts in creating art work? It is just to keep a certain memory, some values and feelings one has gained through a living experience.

    Chao Ge regards that“the deepest change of humans at this age is the sense of values which people are losing rapidly. Its reflection on contemporary art is that all kinds of abnormal art forms are responded to a reality due to a value system crisis. In fact, I think what is needed in this reality is people kept with a value system, the kind of art to be respected, and some sort of human’s invaluable spirit to be insisted. This is the most challenging response facing the secular trend”. In fact, some basic values of human beings from her earliest period up to date in terms of different world civilizations are in common. All kinds of crisis within our contemporary life are just the responses to such values being lost.

    Facing a rapidly materialized world, we deeply felt that the“people”depicted in literature and art are nowadays taking an obvious change. Some important elements in human nature are deteriorating and losing or being despised and teased, while some weaknesses in our human nature are immeasurably stimulated, enlarged and appreciated. Modern people are just like those isolated plants in desert. Chao Ge focuses his art style on the survey of human’s mental life and their conflicts and desires in our daily life. In his works, Chao Ge tries to search for its continuing existence and humanity, and he selects and practises the style of continuing existence. What he hunts after is that kind of sustainable humanity concept; this makes him become a spiritual watcher who has few bosom friends in the field of contemporary art.

    In the early 1990s, Chao Ge created some paintings, such as “Sensitive man”,“The west”,“Two people”,“People beside the wall”,“Young face”. Branded as some truth seekers, all those figures in the pictures represented some true men with true souls. Among them, the most representative one is “Sensitive Man”, which expressed ordinary people’s psychological unbalance and cultural shock caused by the quick and unprecedented changes of China’s society at that time. From then on, Chao Ge blazed a drawing and painting trail in the methods of psychological study and expressionism of China’s modern painting. His works influenced some of the younger painters’ style, such as some portraits of scholars in Mao Yan’s work. At that time, they had just got to know the psychologically-representing style of Freud, an English painter. Unlike Freud, Chao Ge didn’t use the rugged brushwork to acquire a kind of visual shock. Instead, he developed his unique connotative expressing way. Through careful composition of a picture, using a kind of pushing and extending way, he spread the complicated and delicate color effect from one detail to the whole picture. The tendency of colors is different from that of modern western oil painting which is pleasing our eyes. It has a sense of calm and convergence of classical fresco painting.

    In the 1990s, Chao Ge’s pictures had a very strong interference to the social life. Some special features in his works had a strong shock to people’s mind. But later, he changed his usual way of expressing, for he thought a man should have a belief. In modern art, there is a kind of tendency of carpe diem, which is a great hurt to people’s mental life. Art, after all, is an advanced manner of mankind’s mental life, and it should be continuous or sustainable. Furthermore, it can prolong our mental life. Those western excellent artists often feel very lonely in their souls, so there is no doubt that China’s modern art is influenced, and it cannot find any warm comfort from nature, people’s life or any other place.

    II. The cultural unity and coherence of history

    There are two important periods in Chao Ge’s art career. One is in the early 1990s, when he developed a kind of painting combining expressionism and psychological analysis. He opened the inner world of people in a unique way of art expression. His art language played an important role in the development of China’s oil painting at that time.“Art Research”, an art magazine, in which Chao Ge’s works were published, became an important reference for the young students at art colleges. Mr. Guang Jun, who is a famous print-making artist, thinks that Chao Ge has inspired a lot of young artists who learned a lot from his works. Many excellent contemporary young artists even ever took Chao Ge’s art works as models to copy. Their common point is emphasizing that oil painting is a kind of traditional painting, and that artists should paint according to their souls.

    Although under the background of modern art, and even being the idol of young painters in the 90’s , he criticized some modern art incisively. He thought, during the 20th century, there were many incompletely developed things. People emphasized the possibility of art style and pursued new media and new expressing style continuously, but they gradually forgot art’s function in human being’s early life-art is the highest achievement in mankind’s souls. This point had ever been passed down all along in the ancient art. However, these arts have been gradually abandoned nowadays. In the early 1990s, Chao Ge entered a relatively pondering time. He gained new self-evaluation about those inventions with strong expressionism and hoped that he could enter a wider expression of complete mental state of human beings through the feelings of individuals. Therefore, he traveled to Europe many times in order to explore the spiritual sources of European art, especially to explore the spiritual relations between Egyptian art and the Renaissance art. Through a series of investigations and studies, he established his own faith that the source of western humanist art could acquire a kind of religious factor from Egyptian art. He tried to rediscover the traditional values and face problems of times so as to give those simple values of early art a second birth. In China,very few contemporary artists would like to do that. One of the central problems is that people of the time emphasize the exaggeration of individuality, and art is shattered greatly, which has become a kind of expression of daily life. Many people no longer care for mankind’s wide range of values; instead, they think personal experiences of daily lives can replace the whole reflection of human beings.

    As for history and tradition of the world art, he focuses more on the arts with oriental features, for instance, Egyptian art, early Greek art and early Renaissance art. Inspired by oriental art, he attaches more importance to sculpture. On inspection of art history, we may find that sculpture plays a major role in art history. The only reason for him to be moved by Egyptian art is sculpture the great symbolic power, but some contemporary artists prefer to the metaphor of some visual symbols. Perhaps some people would classify him as one of those traditional artists. However, his art is not old or a blind copy from the old arts. His art is a response to the time and a kind of creative art rooted from his soul. Using a kind of unique way against the time, at the edge of most active mainstream art, he completed a kind of radical expression unconsciously.



    On the basis of sketching his art has very strong subjective expression, which exerts the art imaginations. I call it“Oriental Imagination”.“Oriental Imagination”is different from imagining the oriental. As a very known artist in China, his“Oriental Imagination”shows a strong wish to return to art, which emphasizes the blood relationship between individual imagination and traditional art and emphasizes a kind of free art creativity as well. It might be a kind of awakening under the control of western culture in the past century. It is also a kind of self-confidence and solid art attitude. Experiencing an impact of western culture in the 80’s , China’s young artists began to inspect the rapidly changing reality more independently. The imagination of contemporary Chinese art came back to its own cultural background from the West.

    When discussing the pondering sense of his art, the deep influence of China’s geographical environment on his art cannot be ignored. Many people regard him as a Mongolian artist, but he should be regarded as a contemporary artist from northern China deeply endowed with inner spirit and personality caused in different regions. He did not emphasize any narrative stories. In the past five or six years, he tended to emphasize the universal value and thought. There is no doubt that the grand composition of a picture and mental state originates from a large and generous spirit, nomadic temperament of ancient Mongolian people who enjoyed great distances. It is this kind of romantic culture concept that plays a very important role in today’s world cultural communication. It cannot be substituted, and it is the foundation for us to ascend above the peoples and countries and to discover the mental world of human beings.

    With this kind of “nomadic vision”of art history, he has a spacious view so that he can gaze at the classical civilization progression. To any people, classical civilization is the most important spiritual heritage, for its preserved cultural value has enduring significance. To some degree, excellent classical arts become the cultural factor of any people’s culture which can continue to grow. On its basis, many endless art pictures are created.

    Depending on his unique persisting pursue to art, Chao Ge has acquired a lot of valuable things from China’s art, especially China’s landscape painting. In China’s early art, landscape painting in Song Dynasty and Yuan Dynasty set up a foundation; people nowadays surely have a very good sense to things, the nature, which propelled more than their predecessors. For instance, Geortor has already inaugurated a new era in many aspects. The period’s representative art paintings, such as the works of some Renaissance masters, are great. Chao Ge is very sensible of convulsive vigor and grand view, and he is plugged into this kind of art scene. He noticed the superiority of China’s early visual art, for the work will not be replaced by the photography of media age. In his creation, he focuses on the inner essence of China’s traditional art. His landscape paintings have a certain relationship with China’s early works, these ones usually possess advanced mood and state; those mountains and rivers, calmness and quietness, revealed from his paintings, reflect a kind of China’s ancient painter’s unique attitude towards the nature.

    From the 1980s, he painted a lot of drawings and oil paintings on huge grassland, and he directly sought for the inspiration from nature. He combined that broad prospect of landscape with the deepest thought of human beings. In this way, he showed a kind of awesome to the nature. So he established a kind of unique new landscape mode in China’s modern paintings, and landscape painting was exalted to the position of a symbolic art of humanism. During the past 20 years, his landscape paintings have always been emphasizing the vast topographic features particular to the inner grassland, such as the quiet plain of“The Sunshine in Kelunnu”, the poetry of“The Ejinuoer Lake”, the homesick feeling of“The image of hometown”. He used this kind of landscape painting to express Mongolian people’s pride towards their habitation, a kind of love for mountains and rivers; so under the cover of the poetic expressions, his paintings also filtered with historical changes.

    Different from western landscape paintings, his ones do not focus on a concrete geography and land feature.On the contrary, inspired by China’s ancient landscape paintings, he obtained a nation’s cultural memory, a kind of appreciative attitude towards nature without any materialistic intentions, a kind of grand visual field on the whole. In comparison with figure paintings, his landscapes are simpler but more shocked. In his eyes, landscape and people are the same in nature, both of which are a kind of expression of people’s souls. In this way, figures are more spiritualized and idealized. In his landscape paintings, time is a very important factor. These landscapes can acquire a kind of immutability for its highly concert and objective colorful expressions. With all these features above, his landscape is far beyond natural sceneries. It is a historical and psychological representation.

    His outlook on art is very special so that he can see the coexistence between some contemporary art’s dilation in form and the hollow in soul. He keeps some distance to some contemporary art, but this does not mean that he and his art style are deviated from the mainstream of the time. In fact, he also faces some existing problems. As an artist, he sensitively feels that people nowadays, especially scholars, are widely stressful. We may say so that his goal is not to recover the past things, but to revive some classical things. Facing contemporary people’s crisis, he will restart to search for those valuable things to our people nowadays. So it can be called who could revive old valuable things usually adopt old things to create new things, so as to create a kind of new trend without following a fashion.

    In his latest work, he tries to renew some simple and spiritual things that dominate the human being’s valuable things in the early history of art; this is a great change in his latest creations. He shows his taste and psychological analysis on mankind’s mental world. In fact, from one of his masterpiece, the“Sensitive man” in the 90’s , he expressed a kind of desire for mental life of humanity. This kind of expression with psychological analysis has become a kind of his unique expressive feature until now. Let’s take“Two people in 2000”, for example, even the two people in the picture have a family tie, but they still keep some distance from each other. Things expressed in this kind of work are what he really attaches a great importance to. Why do today’s people feel lonelier while they have got better conditions of communication and transportation? Characters in his works are stressful and intentional to some degree. All these things are the reflection of universal mental state of today’s people. His works seem to come back to the planarity in the early days, but it is this planarity that makes his works with wider historical dimension and longer time duration. This seems to be a little contradictory. Egyptian art seems to be a little simple and plain, but it is more about spirit and religion, in comparison with this kind of art, the three-dimensional art has a sense of physical feeling or sensation and the reality of world life.

    III. Modern spirit

    In the late 90’s, Chao Ge’s works described the tension of the era and went deep into the society. Though in the early days, he hoped to make his works the image record of the age and he believed his ability to express the occurent thinking, feeling and ideology. When it comes to the new century, Chao Ge turned to think about foreverness. Nowadays, people gradually give up their belief in foreverness. They live for their ephemeral lives. This value view triggers tension and greed. Moreover, the rich material life and advanced medical care system may prolong our physical life, but the pursuit of fortune and fame shortens our mental life. Many people lost their confidence in studying history, art and science; yet they pursue temporary fame and gain through greasiness and playing politics in name of art and science. Chao Ge is not such a person, though. He refuses to be leader of the Department of Oil Painting in order to devote himself to learning and art creation. His latest works, such as“Orange Character”,“June”,“Tan”and“Distance”, are not traditional portraits emphasizing on momentary brilliance and experiential episode. Instead, these works try to renew eternal values in human history. Modern people put weight on existent value and shorten mental value. And some artists regard experiential episode as the whole. In this way, fresh things will possibly come forth, but they can not be inspiring forever. Chao Ge’s works pursue a sense of foreverness and sublimation of mental life, and have modern characteristics.

    When it comes to the new century, one noticeable trend of Chinese modern art is that pop art becomes the mainstream. Lots of young people who have graduated from academies created fancy planar image in the way of ad art from resources of magazine pictures and videos. Meanwhile Chao Ge focused on human history of visual art with a profound insight so as to broaden mental dimensionality. After travelling in European countries, Chao Ge changed his art view a lot. He began to compare modern and ancient art and thought much about spirituality of modern art. From then on, his style went back to the period of early 80’s when he was interested in Renaissance especially the works in early age of Renaissance, which made him feel that there were two kinds of human art-visual art and retinal art. According to Chao Ge, visual art is what connects to our soul, not only retinal stimulant. Painting with a history of thousands of years is not merely imitation of nature, but expression of what human believe in. Therefore, it depends on human belief. The western art lost its significant value that ever existed when it came to prosperous periods. Chao Ge reflects on attitude towards art and uses simple methods instead of mature oil painting skills trying to make painting pure, full of abstract of human thinking and feeling. He is different from those arrogant, self-centered modern artists who do not respect nature and life. Their works lack respectable things that should exist in art. Chao Ge loves history which appeals to him for it has something in common. But his passion for history will not be old fashioned because he is not a bookish person. His work explores, comprehends and explains history and tradition in the viewpoint of modern people. So his art is simple and modern, reflecting the confused attitude that Chinese intellectuals towards modernity. It needs intelligence and knowledge of humanism to understand Chao Ge’s art.



    We have to mention the relationship between Chao Ge’s work and the world art as long as we talk about his art. The world trends change, on the contrary, Chao Ge’s art is peaceful. Chao Ge is active, purposeful with strong subjectivity. He insists on his thought against pop art. He tries to find out the value of early human art. His art is beyond national border and has universal value. As to the expressive ways, he dislikes the contemporary oil painting’s characteristic of light reflection. So he uses expressive ways in fresco style which are serious, has a sense of “breathing” and convergence. By comparison, contemporary oil painting is in royal style like colorful face from which we cannot realize the painter’s trueness and intuition.

    Many collectors lack cultural learning go after and speculate popular classical true-life painting in Chinese market nowadays. Chao Ge’s art is different from formatted and sensual painting. Taking“Sensitive man”for example, this work expressed the tension of the age. From the 19th century, the academism was naturalism which cannot connect to contemporary mental life. Naturalism focuses on skills, manners and the appearance of matters. Its characters including minority people and beauty have nothing to do with Chinese society hence it lacks power. Chao Ge’s painting is beyond academism. His art has the same qualities as Russian art in aspects of Thespian element, tension and suffering of today’s people. He adopts tempera to form a 3D to compose a picture of preciseness and force.

    Some people may think, Chao Ge orients his field towards history instead of the diversiform art scenes, so the former art deprive values of his work. Chao Ge does not agree. He thinks many contemporary work emphasizing novelty is aggressive but not powerful, while the ancient art is full of profundity.He opposes worldly matters, greed, pursuit of material and living for sexual enjoyment. Chao Ge’s art focuses on implicative and simple expression. In the exhibition “Dimensionality of Spirit” in 2004, some visitors were shocked by Chao Ge’s work. In a word, Chao Ge prefers intuition to sermon. Art is art, contemporary artists should have the ability to judge independently in order to enter the foreland of human thought. Contemporary art is outstanding in terms of expression crisis and fierce emotion, which has characteristic of expressionism. Nevertheless, expression is not enough for a painter in our crazy and complicated time. Chao Ge tries to make ancient matters revival through his latest paintings and go into a new aesthetic category that is simple, solemn and serious. Obviously it is a new challenge for him. Let’s take church and super market for instance. People have different demands, super market is used for daily life, and people have needs for mental life and belief. We need artist in this era who create for people’s mental life. Chao Ge’s art is spiritual homeland for people who like his paintings. Chao Ge does not only work for our age, but also for our soul history.

    January 15, 2006

    Yin Shuangxi, PhD. in Art History, is vice-editor-in-chief of Fine Art Research of China Central Academy of Fine Arts, Director of the Academic Department of Wu Zuoren International Fine Art Fund. He is also a contemporary art critic and exhibition curator. Since 1989, he has participated in the organization and preparation of the following exhibitions: China Contemporary Art Exhibition (1989, Beijing); the First China Art Biennale (1992, Guangzhou); China Fine Art Critics Nomination Exhibition (oil painting, 1994, Beijing); Gate of the Century: Chinese Contemporary Art Reviewing Exhibition (2000, Chengdu); East Dawning: Chinese Paintings of the 20th Century (2003, Paris); Imagine China: Chinese Contemporary Sculptures Invitation Exhibition (2004, Paris); the Century and the Paradise: the Third China Art Biennale (2005, Chengdu); the Beautiful Landscapes: North and South Oil Painting Invitation Exhibition (2006, Beijing), etc. He has written and published a large amount of essays and commentaries related to China’s contemporary art. He lives in Beijing now.


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