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    時間:2009-06-18 09:19:53 | 來源:中國雕塑












    Standing Life:Interpretation of Liu Yonggang’s Art

    Yin Shuangxi,PhD, executive editor in chief of Art Research, famous artcritic

    The return ofLiu Yonggang was one of the most exciting events of contemporaryChinese art in 2006. He brought the new message that a number ofartists who have studied abroad have acquired a cultural horizondifferent from that of those who stayed in the country, and thatthey have found their own ways of expression. Those ways differfrom both the imitation of western biannual exhibitions that hasbeen widespread since the 1980s and the success-oriented stylesconditioned by the commercial operation of galleries. Specificallyspeaking, they have created a truly valuable contemporary Chineseart that blends Chinese and western cultures. Though it is not yetmature, it is based on a rich culture, and its way is sustainable.When critic Deng Pingxiang said that Liu is capable of finding thecommon ground between Chinese and western cultures, he was actuallyvoicing his judgment that in the age of globalization, to develop acontemporary art with real value for artistic history, one mustmade an in-depth study of eastern and western cultures, instead ofcatering to sponsors of international exhibitions or art merchantsby cobbling together some ‘Chinese pattern’ composed of an array ofsuperficial signs of politics, commerce and pop culture.

    Liu’s abstractpaintings are undoubtedly excellent, with the passion of deKooning, the freedom of German expressionism, and acute formalawareness in colors and composition. Those were what he acquiredfrom over ten years’ careful study abroad. However, I prefer thecompositional paintings similar to the structures of characters anddrafts of sculptures, with composite materials, to thoseexpressionistic ones with heavy use of colors. In the former kind,the importance of color is replaced by the painter’s study of spaceand structure. That contains grand monumental wills, and reflects apassion that extends in space, a passion that is related to soiland growth, like a plant, or life. As observed by German arthistorian Dr. Frank, it is full of the drive of life. That is infull agreement with Liu’s personality and spiritual pursuit; itreflects some classical quality of his art, or the humanistictradition embodied in classical buildings and paintings. Theunderstanding of the dignity of human life and the desire forcommunications and feelings are by nature part of the humanistictradition since the Renaissance, represented by Michelangelo. Itwas from the grand perspective of human history that Liu discoveredthe dignity of classical humanism represented by Chinese culture.His special way of expression, based on the Chinese and Mongolianwritten languages, demonstrates a great multi-ethnic nation’s pastglory and aspiration for the future.

    Therefore, whenI saw his grand work composed of 102 stone sculptures at theNational Art Museum of China, the first thing I thought of, to mysurprise, was the terracotta soldiers. His standing characters havea silent dignity. ‘Monumentality’, which may be defined as ‘thestate or meaning of commemoration’, requires not only artisticallyunusual, enduring size, but also prominent, important and lastingvalues in history. What Liu intends to convey is his veneration forthe eternal love and care of mankind. In this sense, Liu usedcharacters, widespread and familiar to ordinary people, to breakthrough ethnic and national boundaries, expressing fiery passionwith cold rocks, and fusing material and spirit in special spatialcompositions. In traditional Chinese art, the monument and thecalligraphy were inextricably linked, but characters weresubordinate to meanings, and calligraphy and carving were no morethan mediums of artistic expression. What was special about Liu wasthat he broke the line between the monument and the calligraphy, sothat the two are united into one. When we see his sculptures, wesimply forget that line, because the two are blended into a symbolof human life and spirit.

    Here is involvedthe discussion on characters, language, calligraphy andcontemporary art. Since the 1980s, Chinese characters, as well ascalligraphy, have become an important public artistic resource incontemporary Chinese art. However, focus on characters differsgreatly from focus on calligraphy. For instance, the artists whofirst used Chinese characters in their creations, such as Gu Wenda,Wu Shanzhuan and Xu Bing, tend to analysis characters and use themin the manner of conceptual art. That reflects the difference inattitude towards the written language. Focus on form and focus onmeaning are different approaches to using traditional culture incontemporary art. That may be a frame of reference to put Liu’sstudy and use of Chinese characters and calligraphy intoperspective. In terms of culture, Liu’s study of characters tendsto be historical and humanistic; in terms of visual art, it tendsto be spatial and compositional. As observed by critic JiaFangzhou, instead of being legible like written language, his worksare visual like plastic art. That indicates the intrinsicconnection of his art to the humanistic tradition and classical artof China.

    The return ofLiu and his exhibition drew my attention to the group of overseasChinese artists, especially those who returned from their study inGermany. Many of them have adopted the way of abstract art. Liu isone of the artists who studied in Germany, such as Xu Jiang, Ma Luand Tan Ping who returned earlier, Su Xiaobai, Zhu Jinshi, ZhangGuolong, Liu Ye and Ma Shuqing who are recently active in bothChina and Germany, and Miu Xiaochun who specializes in video andimage medium. We may examine his art with respect to Germanculture’s influence on Chinese art. Liu’s works reflect theblending of different cultures under different culturalenvironments (though material life is becoming increasingly similarbecause of the growing exchanges, cultural traditions do not changefundamentally). In my opinion, as far as Chinese art in the 21stcentury is concerned, the new generation of artists who returnedfrom abroad is promising new blood. During their long stay inoverseas cultures, they have acquired the capability of creativecultural exchange and blending. They have deeper and more completeunderstanding of culture than those who go abroad occasionally. Asfor material life, since they have long been free of financialtroubles and are aware of both the positive and negative effect ofmarket on artists, they are capable of more intense concentrationon creation.

    Meanwhile, Liu’sworks proved my opinion on the differences between French cultureand German culture that I mentioned when I was criticizing Xu Jiangin the early 1990s. That will be helpful to further understandingof different western cultural backgrounds, solving the general,binary opposite ways of thinking between the east and the west, andcreation of contemporary art which is closer to personality basedon individual cultural background.

    The specialthing about Liu’s art is that his works are not expressions ofgeneral emotions (what is commonly known as ‘follow the feelings’),or graceful skills, or utilitarian interpretations of practicalquestions (the latter is originated from France in the 18th centuryand its revolutionary tradition, namely political and utilitarianbehaviorism tradition. French didacticism philosophers in the 18thcentury, just like the early renaissant civic humanists, advocatedactive and vibrant way of life and fought against ruminative way.They were not interested in metaphysics, and cared about practicalissues—moral, mental and social--in their lives. They wereconfident of human future and held undoubted faith in historyprogress.) As a thinking artist, Liu has an oriental broad horizon.His oriental way of thinking has one thing in common with theHegelian tradition—greater value attached to unity and wholenessthan to accomplishment. Its defining feature is wholeness andspeculation. What Liu is concerned with are not particular socialissues of a particular period, but the holistic thinking of humanhistory. In his works I feel critical examination of humancivilization and history, and the angst at the bottom of his heart.In our time, traditional beliefs are deeply troubled by theexperience of contemporary life, and everywhere there are conflictsbetween capricious fate and people who stand up to it. Deep inside,Liu stands by his belief in humanistic values.

    Liu’s worksproduce a powerful, sweeping effect similar to that of terracottawarriors. We may imagine the scenario where his sculptures standlike a formation of warriors on a prairie or a desert.

    It is certainthat instead of confining himself to such traditional mediums aspainting, calligraphy and sculpture, he has blazed a broad newtrail in comprehensive materials and comprehensive art. For such anexcellent artist, all has just begun.

    February 26,2007

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