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    精典藝術(shù) 主流聲音 您的位置: 首頁>設計·新媒體


    藝術(shù)中國 | 時間: 2009-03-13 08:59:23 | 文章來源: 今日藝術(shù)網(wǎng)

    時間:2009-3-20-2009-4-17 地區(qū):上海其他

    主辦機構(gòu):費歷尼畫廊(Fellini Gallery)





    昆曲起源于吳地,肇興于廳堂,糜繁于盛世。是以曲藝園藝,自古同一,以其意趣相近也。窮極人工、曲盡形容,鉛華洗盡、觀之不足。“不入園林,怎知春色如許。良辰美景奈何天,賞心樂事誰家院。” 庶幾近之。雨是園之魂。跳出三界外,咫尺有大千。因為有雨的滋潤,平岡山丘、茂林修竹,始得濃縮于方寸之間,雖由人造,宛似天開。雨是曲之魄。一夕梨園春,百年舊山河。因為有雨的打磨,書劍飄零、鶯聲燕舞,皆化入紅牙檀板,任吳音流轉(zhuǎn)、淺吟低謳。




    Love Letter from a Young Artist

    Feng Fangyu was born in Jiangnan, a region that lies just south of the Yangtze Delta. Tea, silk, jade, and rice are all produced in Jiangnan. Today these items are nearly synonymous with China, demonstrating immense influence by a region that comprises just 5% of its country. In his series May Rain, the artist celebrates two of the region''s most coveted forms of cultural heritage -- Kun Opera and traditional garden design, both listed as world treasures by the UNESCO World Heritage Foundation. May Rain is Feng Fangyu''s love letter to the dying arts of his childhood home.

    Born after the Cultural Revolution, the artist is able to view the past through a romantic lens; Feng Fangyu is not burdened by the restless discontent evident in the art of the previous generation. Instead, he documents emotion, not politics. The atmospheric quality of imperial art forms is celebrated through the artist''s mise-en-scène works. While color and movement pay tribute to the dramatic style of Chinese opera performance, elegant garden settings serve as a poised backdrop to barely restrained moods. Within these emotional landscapes, flames can yield to softness or they can destroy. In Misguidance, we observe the protagonist on a rooftop as strong winds surround him. It''s difficult to say whether he stands in defiance or wonderment of the mischievous forces. The arrangement of ambiguous emotion suggests a story beyond the single moment revealed to us.

    May Rain''s well-crafted images highlight the theatre of love -- its torment, sweetness, pleading, and capriciousness. An expert in photography and digital imaging, Feng Fangyu spent painstaking hours laboring over each scene. Ironically, such focus and desire for perfection has resulted in works that seemingly expose humankind''s impotence to exert influence over what matters most to us. Even in Love, an idealized lovers'' gaze is interrupted by the dangerous presence of fire. The series is an exercise in accepting one''s inability to control or create permanence.

    Feng Fangyu won his first international award last June in Austria’s Trierenberg Super Circuit Show, after less than two years as a fine art photographer. His wistful images were published in 2 issues of PICS last year alone and featured on the visual arts website www.imagecn.cn. An interview with Hong Kong''s Photography Journal will be published this spring.

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