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    傳播藝術 品味生活 您的位置: 首頁
    [專稿] 牛房倉庫系列活動
    藝術中國 | 時間: 2008-11-17 09:31:23  | 文章來源: 藝術中國



      Prelude to the 10th Anniversary of 1999 Macao Handover

      art exhibition

      開幕時間 / Opening :

      11月15日(星期六/Saturday) 下午四時

      4:00pm, 15 November 2008

      展期 / Exhibition Period :


      4 November 2008 to 19 January 2009


      回歸對澳門及香港人有一份特別的意義。在2008年 - 澳門回歸十周年前的一年,本展覽旨在作一個反思和回想,以藝術作品表達藝術家對于回歸前后的文化與生活模式的變化;"回歸"對于港澳市民是一個十分重要的日子,每年都有不同的慶典來慶祝回歸紀念日。2008年剛好是在香港和澳門回歸十周年之間的一年。這個第九年,是我們準備迎接一個"十周年"前的一年。這一年,到底我們要用什么樣的態(tài)度去面對將要來臨的第十年呢?一個城市十年的變遷,對土生土長、在澳門經歷過回歸或沒有經歷過回歸的人,其意義相信是不同的。

      The Old Ladies' House Art Space will present on November 15th 2008 a collective exhibition "Prelude to the 10th Anniversary of 1999 Macao Handover" at the Ox Warehouse. The exhibition can be seen until January 19th 2009.

      The exhibition features artworks of Hong Kong and Macao artists, reflecting the two territories' handover experiences, and their impact on residents' lives, as well as on the urban development, which is always a challenge to human societies.

      Drawing inspiration from daily life, the artists will show their thoughts about life and urban development in a creative manner.

      The Handover have a special meaning to citizens of Macao and Hong Kong. The handover date is a much celebrated special holiday in both territories. The exhibition, highlighting works that illustrate the cultural and lifestyle changes before and after the handover, intends to offer a retrospective reflection on the transition.

      Being produced in 2008 – exactly one year before the 10th anniversary of 1999 Macao handover and one year after the 10th anniversary of 1997 Hong Kong handover – it invites Macao people to reflect on their attitude to life for the coming year.

      This exhibition will showcase Macao's changes in the last ten years, which certainly would have a great significance to all Macao residents, regardless of having witnessed or not the handover ceremony.


      『回歸十周年前 藝術聯(lián)展』 開幕座談會

      Opening ceremony and talk with artists

      座談會時間 / Time :

      11月15日(星期六/Saturday) 下午四時四十五分至六時半

      4:45-6:30p.m. 15 November 2008



      參展藝術家 / Participated Artist:

      李少莊 / Bianca LEI Sio Chong

      蘇約翰 / Jo?o ó Bruno Soares

      潘大謙 / Pan Ta-Chien, Ray

      百 強 / Pekeong Fortes Sequeira

      黃家龍 / Wong Ka Long

      楊子健 / Kent, Ieong Chi Kin

      何仲儀 / Joey Ho

      威光良 / Ray Granlund

      簡佩茵 / Kan Pui Ian

      李綺琪 / Gigi Lee Yee Kee (策展人 / Curator)

      主辦 / Organization:

      婆仔屋藝術空間 / Old Ladies' House Art Space

      贊助 / Sponsor:

      民政總署/ IACM

      澳門基金會/ FUNDA??O MACAU

      文化局/ ICGM

      地點 / Venue:

      牛房倉庫 / Ox Warehouse


      No Cruzamento entro a Avenida do Coronel Mesquita e a Avenida Almirante Lacerda Macau

      開放時間 / Opening time:(12:00 ~ 19:00, 逢星期二休息 / Closed on Tuesdays)

      巴士路線 / Bus Line : 1,1A,3,3A,4,5,6,7,8,8A,9,9A,16,17,23,25,26,26A,28C,32,33,34

      查詢 / For enquiry:

      28530026 (12:00 ~ 19:00, 逢星期二休息 / Closed on Tuesdays)

      傳真/ Fax:28533047

      E –mail:oxwarehouse@gmail.com


      又講又展2008 - 錄像藝術活動

      Talks & Exhibition 2008 – Video Art Activities

      展覽開幕exhibition opening ceremony:


      4:00pm, Saturday, 15 November 2008

      展期exhibition period:


      16 November to 14 December 2008



      16, 23, 29 & 30 November 2008

      承接去年「又講又展」──錄像藝術活動,今年婆仔屋藝術空間再接再勵,舉行「又講又展 2008」──錄像藝術活動。今次活動像去年一樣,除了展覽外,同時也邀請多位藝術家進行講座,藉由藝術家親身講述、與觀眾分享和討論,讓我們在進一步了解每位藝術家的創(chuàng)作概念、過程和經驗之時,又能從多角度去感受「錄像」這一媒體的特質和其不受限制的演繹方式。


      To continue and succeed to the "Talks and Exhibition" – Video Art Activities held in last year, Old Ladies' House Art Space makes untiring efforts to curate again "Talks and Exhibition - 2008" – Video Art Activities. This programme, like last year, except for the exhibition, talks will be given by participating artists. They will tell about their works and discuss with audiences. It makes us comprehending further the creative concepts, process and experience of each artist, simultaneously, feeling the distinguishing characteristics of "video" from multi-points of view and the unrestrictedly deductive method.

      Eight video artists are invited to participate in exhibiting their works. Without any central theme being imposed in the show, the participants only use moving images to tell their stories, feelings and points of view. The medium is the only common bridge among these works. In other words, this exhibition is a gathering of video works.

      參展藝術家 participating artists:

      何家政 Ho Ka Cheng(澳門 Macao)

      稲垣智子Tomoko Inagaki (日本 Japan)

      郭恬熙Alice Kok (澳門 Macao)

      盧謹明Jenny Lu (臺灣 Taiwan )

      森村誠Makoto Morimura (日本 Japan)

      倪柯耘 Ni Keyun(中國大陸 Mainland China)

      杜漢彬Toh Hun Ping (星加坡 Singapore)

      曾翠珊 Jessey Tsang(香港Hong Kong)

      錄像藝術講座Video Art Talks:

      16/11 (星期日 Sunday)

      地點Venue:牛房倉庫二樓 Second floor, Ox warehouse

      2:30pm – 郭恬熙Alice Kok (澳門Macao)

      粵語主講/conducted in Cantonese

      4:30pm – 稻垣智子Tomoko Inagaki (日本 Japan)

      英語主講 粵語翻譯/conducted in English with Cantonese interpretation

      23/11 (星期日 Sunday)


      Macau New Technologies Incubator Centre, 7 floor, The Macau Square, Av. Infante D. Henrique, No. 43-53A

      2:00pm – 杜漢彬Toh Hun Ping (星加坡Singapore)

      國語主講/conducted in Mandarin

      29/11 (星期六 Saturday)

      地點Venue:牛房倉庫二樓 Second floor, Ox warehouse

      2:30pm – 何家政 Ho Ka Cheng (澳門Macao)

      粵語主講/conducted in Cantonese

      4:30pm – 盧謹明 Jenny Lu (臺灣Taiwan ) 國語主講/conducted in Mandarin

      30/11 (星期日 Sunday)

      地點Venue:牛房倉庫二樓Second floor, Ox warehouse

      2:30pm – 曾翠珊 Jessey Tsang(香港Hong Kong)

      粵語主講/conducted in Cantonese

      策展人curator:李少莊 Bianca Lei

      主辦 / Organization:

      婆仔屋藝術空間 / Old Ladies' House Art Space

      贊助 / Sponsor:

      澳門特區(qū)政府民政總署/ IACM

      澳門霍英東基金會/ FUNDA??O HENRY MACAU

      地點 / Venue:

      牛房倉庫 / Ox Warehouse


      No Cruzamento entro a Avenida do Coronel Mesquita e a Avenida Almirante Lacerda Macau

      開放時間 / Opening time:

      (12:00 ~ 19:00, 逢星期二休息 / Closed on Tuesdays)

      巴士路線 / Bus Line :


      查詢 / For enquiry:

      28530026 (12:00 ~ 19:00, 逢星期二休息 / Closed on Tuesdays)

      傳真 / Fax:28533047

      電郵 / E–mail:oxwarehouse@gmail.com

      網址 / Website:http://oxwarehouse.blogspot.com

      +3dB Asia Tour


      主辦 / Organization:

      婆仔屋藝術空間 / Old Ladies' House Art Spac

      亞洲傳聲/Noise Asia


      演出時間/Time:8:00pm 22-11-2008

      門票/Ticket:MOP $80

      售票點/Ticket Office:牛房倉庫及邊度有書/ Ox WareHouse & Pinto Livros

      (牛房之友、邊度有書之友及學生可享MOP$65票價優(yōu)惠, 購票時須出示有效證件)

      (Special ticket purchase at MOP$65 are open for Friends of Ox WareHouse,Pinto Livros and studies.Please present vaild ID during purchase)

      現(xiàn)場不設劃位 Seats are not assigned

      贊助 / Sponsor:

      澳門霍英東基金會/ FUNDA??O HENRY MACAU

      地點 / Venue:

      牛房倉庫 / Ox Warehouse


      No Cruzamento entro a Avenida do Coronel Mesquita e a Avenida Almirante Lacerda Macau

      查詢 / For enquiry:

      28530026 (12:00 ~ 19:00, 逢星期二休息 / Closed on Tuesdays)

      傳真/ Fax:28533047

      E –mail:oxwarehouse@gmail.com

      this concert is supported by the Norwegian Ministry of foreign affairs


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    · [專稿] 十一月牛房倉庫活動
    · [專稿] 牛房倉庫2008年冬季陶藝工作坊
    · [專稿] 牛房藝術創(chuàng)作學員作品展
    · [專稿] 夏日兒童藝術樂園2008
    · [專稿] 牛房講場+兒童劇牛家有個小火山

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