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    傳播藝術(shù) 品味生活 您的位置: 首頁(yè)
    [專稿] 精藝軒畫(huà)廊——張萬(wàn)新雕塑展
    藝術(shù)中國(guó) | 時(shí)間: 2008-06-16 09:11:44  | 文章來(lái)源: 藝術(shù)中國(guó)







      張萬(wàn)新于1992年赴美留學(xué)并獲舊金山藝術(shù)大學(xué)雕塑碩士學(xué)位。2006年5月獲得美國(guó)專業(yè)性極高的弗吉尼亞格瑞特(Virginia Groot)雕塑基金會(huì)的年度一等獎(jiǎng),是該基金會(huì)創(chuàng)辦18年來(lái)的首位華人雕塑家獲得的最高榮譽(yù)。近年來(lái),張萬(wàn)新先后在舊金山、紐約、邁阿密、華盛頓、溫哥華、圣地亞哥、 懷俄名大學(xué),和布發(fā)羅大學(xué)等地舉辦個(gè)展、聯(lián)展及講座,作品被廣泛的收藏。其作品并被紐約大學(xué)著名藝術(shù)評(píng)論家朱迪,蘇爾滋(Judith Schwartz) 編入續(xù)將在倫敦出版的新書(shū),"Confrontational Ceramics" 一書(shū)中。


      畫(huà)廊開(kāi)放時(shí)間:星期一至六 11:30am-7:30pm 星期日及公眾假期休息。

    [專稿] 來(lái)自五號(hào)坑——張萬(wàn)新雕塑展

      From Pit #5
      Sculptures of Zhang Wanxin
      July 4 to 26, 2008

      Art Beatus Gallery
      35-39 Graham Street, Ground Floor, Central, Hong Kong

      The artist will attend the opening reception between 6 to 8pm on July 4, 2008

      Since 1974 four burial pits of the Qin terra-cotta soldiers who have been guarding the tomb of Qin Shi Huang for over two thousand years have been uncovered and excavated in Xian, China; and Chinese-American sculptor Zhang Wanxin has been turning out new warriors for the Qin Emperor from Pit #5 in San Francisco in the United States from 1997.

      The new finds from Pit #5 are a fusion of the Eastern and Western cultures. They blend the past, present and future together. One most visible characteristic of Zhang Wanxin’s new warriors is the pair of round sun-glasses over their noses which have helped hiding the souls of these figures. Wanxin used this simple but self-assured addition to enhance the contemporary nature as well as the spiritual impact of his warriors.

      Wanxin, graduated from the Lu Xun Art Institute in 1985, went to the United States to further his studies in 1992. He received his Masters Degree in Fine Art from the Academy of Art University in San Francisco and stays as an instructor of the Academy. After arriving in the United States, Wanxin is very much inspired by the Californian clay movement and the American Funk artists. Such influence shows up in most of his sculptures.

      “The Chinese blood flowing in my veins fuels my creativity in the West,” said Wanxin of his creating process. Since inaugurating his Pit #5 ten years ago, he has received numerous acclaims and recognitions both from the American art scene and the academic circle. Audiences love the creativity and boldness of his new warriors while appreciating his respect and keeping the ancient and initial ingenuity of the Qin terra-cotta soldiers alive.

      Art Beatus Gallery is located on the ground floor of 35-39 Graham Street, Central, near the junction with Hollywood Road and Lyndhurst Terrace (SOHO Area).

      For further information about this exhibition or interview with the artist, you can either e-mail us at dyiu@artbeatus.com.hk or call either Dominic Chan at 2522-1138 or Josephine Hau at 2526-0818.

      Gallery hours: Mon.-Sat. 11:30am to 7:30pm, close on Sundays & public holidays

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